Purple Kush, a legendary indica strain, traces its roots back to the West Coast of the U.S. Known...
Purple Kush, a legendary indica strain, traces its roots back to the West Coast of the U.S. Known for its vibrant purple hues, Purple Kush has gained a loyal following among cannabis enthusiasts worldwide. Its lineage includes potent Afghani and Hindu Kush genetics. The process of crafting Purple Kush pre-rolls involves a proprietary curing technique that emphasizes flavour, potency and moisture. After harvesting the flowers at the peak of maturity, they undergo a curing process that allows the flavours and aromas to fully develop. This meticulous process enhances the unique characteristics of Purple Kush, resulting in an exceptionally smooth and flavourful smoke. To complement the Purple Kush flower, we utilize premium cones for our pre-rolls. Each pre-roll is meticulously filled with Purple Kush flower, ensuring consistent potency and an enjoyable burn. From the moment you hold a Purple Kush pre-roll in your hands, you'll appreciate the dedication to quality and craftsmanship.